Massage Wellness

Why We Massage The Womb

There is no new thing under the sun or in the womb. Massage has been used by many indigenous cultures since the beginning of time as an instinctive and intuitive healing modality.  Womb massage has been used by healers of women and it can be traced back to ancient African and Chinese cultures. It has recently been popularized by great marketing and success stories as Maya Abdominal Massage.   Truth be told though; Womb/Abdominal massage does not belong to one culture. Nor is it only beneficial for one type of woman. 

Whether you are concerned about your womb health, regulating menstruation, dissolving fibroids, fertility; womb massage is for every woman.

Benefits of Womb/Abdominal Massage

  • Helps to reposition the uterus
  • Reduces the stress levels and stress hormones
  • Supports cleansing and increases circulation in the digestive system
  • Breaks up adhesions and scar tissue
  • Increases circulation to the reproductive organs
  • Stimulates hormonal glands and reproductive organs to increase the energy flow
  • Acupressure to work the bladder meridians in the back to open the channel for conception support.

What to Expect after a Womb Massage.

You may experience some sensations as your body cleanses and releases what it no longer needs.  You may feel a little cramping and discharge as your uterus expels old blood/ fluid, energy, emotions and tissue. These are all great signs that the repositioning and massage of your uterus is working to bring circulation and space for your optimum womb health.

The Womb Collective’s integrative approach to womb wellness can help you as you strive for optimal womb heal through Womb/Abdominal Massage coupled with a bespoke Herbal Regimen and Vaginal Steaming.