Womb Wellness

Womb Wellness

The term #WombWellness has become common. It can be seen dropped across social media platforms as often as the now publicly sacred term “Self-Care”.  And like “Self-Care,” the real depth of its meaning can be overshadowed with hashtags, products, memes, tricks and glamour, becoming a cult instead of a lifestyle and a state of being.  

This Collective, this space and others like us, are dedicated to being the teachers, the healers and partners on the journey to the state of being that understands and lives the essence of Womb Wellness.  To do this we must reconnect with our bodies and our wombs in more time-honored ways.  The history of the modern day relationship that we as women have with our wombs is steeped in a culture that denies and belittles women, that studied women’s anatomy as an afterthought, that objectifies the body as a whole, and minimizes the spiritual and intangible expressions that are a part of the living being.  How can one study the body and not respect the amazing magnificence in which it works? How can one study the female body and not hold sacred the very organ that witnesses the creation of a living being? 

Ancient cultures and their corresponding healing arts observed life in a way that showed them that the female body and, more importantly the womb, was sacred. In ancient Egyptian culture the sanctity of the womb was expressed through pottery, depictions of life and hierarchy of the Gods and Goddesses and their role in birth and creation.  In Mayan culture, it is believed that the womb is a woman’s center and that if it is out of balance, so is she. Various African cultures revere the womb and its ability to bring forth life which is often reflected in their ceremonial artforms. In all of these cultures the name or word(s) used to identify the womb all denote respect and humility.  It is this that is missing from our western-influenced relationship to our center. Here the womb has become simply a Uterus. And the Uterus has become just another organ that holds a baby, can be victim to disease and if need be can be removed as ‘easily’ as one chooses to change their look or identity. Most of us go through our daily existence very unaware of our uterus, its state of health or even where and, what it is/does, or what it looks like! 

Let us redefine how we see ourselves and how we relate to our bodies. Let us teach our young girls early the language of the female body and more importantly their wombs. The relationship they nurture with their womb will determine the health journey of not only their womb but their emotional, mental and general physical self. This is true #wombwellness. Let us fall in love with our wombs AND our womb space. Let us understand the cycles of our hormone messengers, the importance of how and what we eat and the effects of experiences and memories that imprint on our cellular makeup, affecting generations to come.  And yes, let us understand the magic orgasmic highs and the power of self-awareness. Let us live in harmony with the meta-physics and the biophysics of our wombs. 

In honor of the first womb.
